
Imagine a completely accessible city to all, without any architectural barrier. Does it seem utopian? Yet it may not be anymore, and Desamanera will have the honor to give its contribution to sensibilize young people (but not only) and deepen the link between architecture and usability of all the common spaces.

“Customizing does not mean adding your first and last name, but putting your signature”. (quote)
Today differentiating is a must and to do it people need to be active part of the product creation process, from the concept to its design. The opportunity to offer customized or customizable products allows companies to focus their attention on customers making them to to feel unique, important and, above all, alive! The freedom of creating (maybe without limits) something personal and exclusive is a desire that is increasingly characterizing us.”Offering” the customization becomes a very important compnay’s goal, and the 3D printing aloow them to achieve it.

On June 23th, 2016 was presented at the Iuav of Venice’s first Master of second level on the Heritage. This October, then, Iuav and Desamanera start a strategic partnership path in order to chart a new path useful for industry and research. These two realities the academic and the business world, will join in a synergistic way to interchange and merge their knowledge, their specific contribution. Will, in fact, provided the knowledge necessary to carry out any missing parts of the artifact is digitally analogy is through 3D printing technologies.