“For you… FABulous goes on!”

This is the phrase we said when we departed last year, before developing our Art(&)Form project. Since then more than five months have passed, five months of hard work, where our team was able to express their best technical, organizational and managerial skills.

The work was aimed to develop the targets of the Phase 1 (System Maturity Level 1), meeting set in Bilbao on 12 and 13 January 2016. We have created a functional prototype of the service based on FI-WARE, the video presentation of the Team, the Pitch to explain our project and we are left for Bilbao.

For those who had not read our first article about Art(&)Form project we remind you that it is about creating an aggregation platform, in the field of additive manufacturing, 3D service printing stone in large scale, surface finishes and other related services more at the additive manufacturing industry. The platform plans to provide web/app services to upload, store, view files containing three-dimensional objects, decide scale and finishing, printing table, activate the appropriate printer technology, timing and geographical distribution, production, and monitor progress of the process until shipment. This platform should be the hub for aggregating the creation of a European network of users, artists and digital printers in large size.

The first day was dedicated to the presentation of our project to companies, partners and other relevant stakeholders to deepen the 3D large scale printing stone technology. I must say that I have met a lot of nice people, people who, like me, put their ideas and passion at the heart of their lives. A lot of positive energy.

And here we are on the second day, it’s up to us to present Art(&)Form to the Committee. We are the second last but this does not matter: the Committee’s attention is at its highest, the questions asked show that there is a desire to go into more depth. Then at the end I show my trump card … the FABulous logo letters printed in 3D Marble. Now the presentation is transformed into visual and tactile emotions. With the aid of a Wood lamp the marble from Extra White becomes red and blue, the colours of FABulous logo, magic.

I understand, from their looks, that I managed to convey what I had inside. Happy as those who know they have done their best, I take an afternoon stroll through the streets of Bilbao.

Now ahead of me, there is an airplane, my family and the outcome of my presentation. How will it be?

“Dear Participant,

We are pleased to inform you that your project has been selected for Service Maturity Level 2 of FABulous Open Call 2.
Find below the details of your project:
Project acronym: Art(&)Form
Title: ARTistic Fiware-printed big Objects with Regenerated Marble

We are the only Italians in the TOP10 of the projects selected by the European Community in FABulous Call2. We also received a medal! We also received a medal!
A great satisfaction.

Now the going gets tough…..“and when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.” (cit.)

A good job to all the Desamanera’s team


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Published on 16th March 2016



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