
It is very likely that Beauty is at the origin of Life.

We believe that Earth, not surprisingly, was the inspiration.
We believe that Mother Nature,who reigns on Earth in Her Incomparable Beauty,
has been given the vital stimulus so that, she herself, she can be enjoyed and can evolve indefinitely,
creating continuous wonders with the contribution of the vitality generated.

We founded desamanera because we love Beauty.

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What they say about our works

I saw it again in 2014 and I found it quite remarkable. I have seen many other prints, but this has a charisma all its own. The texture and the material are as a gigantic shell, like a young stone, and rests lightly on the Earth.

Bathsheba Grossman
Artist – Bathsheba Sculpture, Boston

Choosing the right material and knowing production processes are key for the creative idea to become a successful product.
The research and study of materials inevitably leads to a greater mastery of them at the design stage.

Alessio Baldon
Architect – Started Architecture and Design, Padua

Inspired by a shell, Stone Pavillon was created through an algorithm that reveals all its morphological characteristics, showing its potential as an architectural form.
The external structure and texture is a parametric abstract reproduction of the micro-structures that characterize the shells.

Prof. Xu Weiguo
Architect – Tsinghua University,Beijing

Additive manufacturing is already utilised for plastic and metals with great success […] We want to further develop the manufacturing process so that it can also be safely applied in the construction materials sector.

Prof. Jens Günster
Director of the Ceramic and Biomaterials Materials Processing Division – BAM,Berlin

What they say about us

26 Febbraio 2017
16 Agosto 2016
8 Aprile 2016
7 Agosto 2015
25 Marzo 2015

Thanks to the collaboration of

Thanks to the co-financing of